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Statistics Cheat Sheet

Welcome to the world of statistics! This cheat sheet is designed to help you get started with the basic concepts, topics, and categories related to statistics. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced data analyst, this reference sheet will provide you with the essential information you need to know.

Introduction to Statistics

Statistics is the science of collecting, analyzing, and interpreting data. It is used to make informed decisions and draw conclusions about a population based on a sample. Statistics can be divided into two main categories: descriptive statistics and inferential statistics.

Descriptive Statistics

Descriptive statistics is the branch of statistics that deals with the collection, analysis, and presentation of data. It is used to summarize and describe the characteristics of a dataset. Descriptive statistics can be further divided into measures of central tendency and measures of variability.

Measures of Central Tendency

Measures of central tendency are used to describe the center of a dataset. The three most common measures of central tendency are:

Measures of Variability

Measures of variability are used to describe the spread of a dataset. The three most common measures of variability are:

Inferential Statistics

Inferential statistics is the branch of statistics that deals with making inferences about a population based on a sample. It is used to test hypotheses and make predictions. Inferential statistics can be further divided into hypothesis testing and confidence intervals.

Hypothesis Testing

Hypothesis testing is used to determine whether a hypothesis about a population is true or false. The process involves setting up a null hypothesis and an alternative hypothesis, collecting data, and using statistical tests to determine whether the null hypothesis can be rejected.

Confidence Intervals

Confidence intervals are used to estimate the range of values that a population parameter is likely to fall within. The process involves collecting data, calculating a point estimate, and using statistical tests to determine the range of values that the population parameter is likely to fall within.


Probability is the branch of mathematics that deals with the likelihood of events occurring. It is used to make predictions and calculate the odds of certain outcomes. Probability can be divided into two main categories: theoretical probability and empirical probability.

Theoretical Probability

Theoretical probability is the probability of an event occurring based on mathematical calculations. It is used to make predictions about the likelihood of certain outcomes.

Empirical Probability

Empirical probability is the probability of an event occurring based on actual data. It is used to calculate the odds of certain outcomes based on past occurrences.

Data Analysis

Data analysis is the process of collecting, cleaning, and analyzing data to draw conclusions and make informed decisions. It involves several steps, including data collection, data cleaning, data exploration, and data visualization.

Data Collection

Data collection is the process of gathering data from various sources. It can be done through surveys, experiments, or observational studies.

Data Cleaning

Data cleaning is the process of removing errors, inconsistencies, and outliers from a dataset. It is important to ensure that the data is accurate and reliable before analyzing it.

Data Exploration

Data exploration is the process of analyzing and visualizing data to identify patterns and relationships. It involves using descriptive statistics and data visualization techniques to gain insights into the data.

Data Visualization

Data visualization is the process of presenting data in a visual format, such as charts, graphs, and maps. It is used to communicate insights and trends in the data.

Statistical Models

Statistical models are mathematical representations of real-world phenomena. They are used to make predictions and test hypotheses. Statistical models can be divided into two main categories: descriptive models and inferential models.

Descriptive Models

Descriptive models are used to describe the characteristics of a dataset. They can be used to identify patterns and relationships in the data.

Inferential Models

Inferential models are used to make predictions and test hypotheses about a population based on a sample. They can be used to determine whether a hypothesis is true or false.

Statistical Software

Statistical software is used to analyze and visualize data. There are several popular statistical software packages available, including:


Statistics is a complex and fascinating field that is essential for making informed decisions and drawing conclusions about the world around us. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced data analyst, this cheat sheet provides you with the essential information you need to know to get started with statistics. Remember to always approach data with a critical eye and use statistical methods responsibly. Happy analyzing!

Common Terms, Definitions and Jargon

1. Statistics: The science of collecting, analyzing, and interpreting data.
2. Data: Information collected for analysis.
3. Descriptive statistics: Methods used to summarize and describe data.
4. Inferential statistics: Methods used to make predictions or draw conclusions about a population based on a sample.
5. Population: The entire group of individuals or objects being studied.
6. Sample: A subset of the population used to make inferences about the population.
7. Variable: A characteristic or attribute that can take on different values.
8. Categorical variable: A variable that can be placed into categories or groups.
9. Numerical variable: A variable that can be measured or counted.
10. Discrete variable: A numerical variable that can only take on certain values.
11. Continuous variable: A numerical variable that can take on any value within a range.
12. Nominal scale: A scale that uses categories or names to measure a variable.
13. Ordinal scale: A scale that uses categories or names to measure a variable, but also has a natural order.
14. Interval scale: A scale that measures a variable with equal intervals between values, but has no true zero point.
15. Ratio scale: A scale that measures a variable with equal intervals between values and has a true zero point.
16. Mean: The average value of a set of data.
17. Median: The middle value in a set of data.
18. Mode: The most common value in a set of data.
19. Range: The difference between the largest and smallest values in a set of data.
20. Standard deviation: A measure of how spread out the data is from the mean.

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